Access to Center for Autonomy Facilities

New projects

Access for new projects in the Flying Arena can be requested by faculty and graduate students. To do so, follow steps 1-8 below, and fill out the below form. Please indicate in the comments section that this is a new requested project. You will be given an CfA Project# to submit requests for time on the schedule.

Access for new projects in the Robotics Pavilion or Highbay Testbed will need a faculty sponsor, who will need to complete the following steps:

  • Faculty sponsors not already affiliated with the robotics group can ask the director to become an affiliate.
  • Read the CfA Shared Spaces Guidelines
  • Perform a space request at the linked form on the guidelines.
  • Once a project is approved, faculty sponsors will need to perform a risk assessment and submit a risk mitigation plan before moving in equipment and personnel.

Then each project team member for the team will need to complete steps 1-6 below, and will also need to fill out the below form.

Obtaining access for new personnel

At this time only graduate students can obtain card key access to CfA facilities.  However, undergraduates can work in the lab and participate with experimentation, when accompanied by a graduate student from your project, after completing Lab Safety Training.

Please follow these instructions carefully to gain access CfA Facilities (Autonomy Arena, Robotics Pavilion or Highbay satellite facility):

1. Review the UIUC Division of Research Safety (DRS) Policy tutorials (Lab Risk Assessment tutorial is not required).  Save the confirmation page as a PDF or screenshot after you have completed the tutorials and provide these in the Access Form below. Also, include the names, and netIDs, of others in your group that will be using the lab, and attach their DRS certificates as well. Your group members will also need to complete Steps 2, 4, 6 7 and 8, as applicable.

2. Review the General Usage Guidelines and specific procedures below for the project and/or area you are gaining access to:

3. Fill out the access form with all pertinent information for your project.  To do so:

  • Log in using your University NetID.
  • Come back to this page
  • Fill out the form below.

4. Schedule a Lab Usage and Safety Training meeting with the Lab Manager & Coordinator of the Robotics Shared Labs. During this meeting, you may also discuss your intended work and to see how space and additional assistance can be provided during your experimentation.

If this does not take place within 7 days of your request, please contact the Associate Director for Robotics to expedite the process.

5. The Lab Manager & Coordinator will then request to activate your i-card for access to the CfA facilities.

6. For Robotics Pavilion and Highbay projects: Make sure you review your project specific training procedures and ensure that your faculty sponsor has logged the date of your training.

7. For Flying in the Arena:  If you will be flying a quadcopter, etc., contact the lab manager for a time for a Flight Test.  CfA has a flight simulator and also a small quadcopter for students to practice with prior to testing.  The first parts of the Flight Test can be conducted with any UAV and the simulator can be used for more complicated maneuvers.  However, the last part of the Flight Test requires showing the actual maneuvers you will be making with the research platform you will be using during your research.

8. For projects involving shared spaces or shared equipment, visit Reserve Lab page to reserve your lab time with the Project# you are assigned.

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