Geir E. Dullerud
Email dullerud@nospam67016ab069ef7.illinois.edu
- Professor
- Willett Faculty Scholar
- Director, Center for Autonomy
Department Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Office 340 Mechanical Engineering Bldg
Phone (217) 265-5078
John M. Hart
Email jmhart3@nospam67016ab06a40a.illinois.edu
- Principal Research Engineer
- Manager and Coordinator of the Center for Autonomy Shared Robotics Labs
Department Coordinated Science Laboratory and CSL Studio.
Office Intelligent Robotics Lab
1261 CSL Studio
1261 CSL Studio
Phone (217) 244-4174
Kris Hauser
Email kkhauser@nospam67016ab06ab2d.illinois.edu
- Professor
- Director, CSL Robotics Group
- Associate Director for Robotics, Center for Autonomy
Department Computer Science
Office 3233 Siebel Center
Phone (217) 244-0821