Geir E. Dullerud
Email dullerud@nospam67aaf044743d9.illinois.edu
- Professor
- Willett Faculty Scholar
- Director, Center for Autonomy
Department Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Office 340 Mechanical Engineering Bldg
Phone (217) 265-5078
John M. Hart
Email jmhart3@nospam67aaf04474d9f.illinois.edu
- Manager and Coordinator of the Center for Autonomy Shared Robotics Labs
- Principal Research Engineer
Department Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL), Center for Autonomy (CfA), Illinois Robotics Group (IRG)
Office Intelligent Robotics Lab
1261 CSL Studio
1261 CSL Studio
Phone (217) 244-4174
Kris Hauser
Email kkhauser@nospam67aaf044753cb.illinois.edu
- Professor
- Director, CSL Robotics Group
- Associate Director for Robotics, Center for Autonomy
Department Computer Science
Office 3233 Siebel Center
Phone (217) 244-0821